TOP > Technologies > T07-233_T09-030


Tohoku Univ. Technology
Admin No.T07-233_T09-030

Rutile titanium dioxide photocatalyst

Titanium dioxide thin film excellent in photocatalytic performance and hydrophilicity can be produced at low cost and convenience


 Practical titanium dioxide photocatalysts often use powder as a raw material, and immobilization and adhesion to substrates have been problems for industrial use. Moreover, although titanium dioxide is active in ultraviolet light, its lack of activity in natural light such as sunlight has been a long-standing
 The present invention relates to a technique for producing a rutile-type titanium dioxide thin film using an anodization method, which enables the creation of a thin film with high adhesion ability that combines photocatalytic performance and superhydrophilicity at a relatively low cost (right table). The thin film exhibits photocatalytic activity not only in ultraviolet light but also in visible light (Figure 1). In addition, water droplets are completely wetted and spread on the surface of the thin film after 0.005 seconds under visible light as well as ultraviolet irradiation, confirming the high speed wettability equivalent to that of "ink jet printer paper with excellent permeability" (Figure 2).

Rutile titanium dioxide photocatalyst

Product Application

・Air purifiers, water purifiers, medical equipment, sanitary equipment, tableware and cooking equipment, and biocompatible materials  
・Building exterior materials (Exterior walls, glass), interior materials (wallpaper), etc.

IP Data

IP No.  : JP5584923, JP5515030  
Inventor : MASAHASHI Naoya, MIZUKOSHI Yoshiteru, SENBOSHI Satoshi
keyword : Environment, Energy  

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