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Tohoku Univ. Technology
Admin No.T15-050

A non-contact quantitative analysis device for food taken movement

To provide evaluation method for swallowing function, sense of taste for food


 It happens that some food are mistaken by elders and then drop into their lungs. Some times it leads to serious pneumonia and thus becomes to be problematic for home/facility medical care for elders.
 This invention provides a non-contact quantitative analysis device to evaluate the swallowing function of elders by monitoring the movement of neck surface.
Also, the device is useful to evaluate objectively if the food is delicious and if elders can swallow the food smoothly.

A non-contact quantitative analysis device ‘U-May’ for swallowing

A non-contact quantitative analysis device for food taken movement

Results & Applicationsn

  Data from the image of neck surface was collected and analyzed to evaluate swallowing function and peristalsis function of taking food by non-contact device (ref. right figures).

・Diagnosis systems for swallowing functions, and monitoring systems for elders in the field of nursing of elders
・Easy swallowing food development
・Diagnosis method for pharyngeal aspiration pneumonia with new pneumonia (e.g. Covid-19)

IP Data

IP No.  : JPB6692110
Inventor : YAMBE Tomoyuki, SHIRAISHI Yasuyuki, et al.
keyword : Medical/Welfare device

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