TOP > Technologies > T16-074


Tohoku Univ. Technology
Admin No.T16-074

High Sensitivity and Wide Dynamic Range CMOS Image Sensor

Realize ultimate sensitivity and wide dynamic range over 100 dB in one exposure


This technology realizes a wide dynamic range CMOS image sensor by employing Lateral Overflow Integration Capacitor (LOFIC) in a pixel.
The LOFIC technology can solve the tradeoff between high sensitivity and high saturation signal. This technology has been ready to the market.

Sample Pictures

High Sensitivity and Wide Dynamic Range CMOS Image Sensor

Comparison of Signal Range

High Sensitivity and Wide Dynamic Range CMOS Image Sensor

Application examples

Versatile cameras (Smart phone, DSLR and so on), Wearable cameras, Surveillance cameras, Mounted cameras (Vehicle, Drone and so on), Other cameras.

IP Data

IP No.  : US7,518,143
Inventor : Shigetoshi Sugawa et al.
keyword : Electronics, Hardware

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