Metal / ceramic composite material
Possible to produce high laser absorption metal powder with finely dispersed ceramic on the surface, and metal/ceramic composite material having complex shape!
Metal and ceramic repel each other when mixing due to their
positive surface charge. So since they are dispersed away, the
composite can not be formed. The conventional technology uses a
binder composed mainly of polyvinyl alcohol to glue metal and
ceramic. This is then sintered in order to make a composite powder.
However, the binder reduces the functionality due to compositional
change (specifically, mechanical property deterioration, optical
absorbance decrease, etc.) and handling during production is difficult.
This invention is able to easily make ceramic / metal composite by
using carbon nanotube (CNT). Application of various powder to bulk
material is expected, such as sintered material and composite
material by 3D printer. It is also possible to create a pure composite
of metal / CNT, and this technology is expected to improve the antioxidation
property of the base metal material.
Product Application
・Metal / ceramic composite material having complex shape
・Metal / CNT composite material
・Heat resistant material requiring ceramic protective coating
・Corrosion resistant material
・Hard material, etc.
IP Data
IP No. : JP6934674
Inventor : NOMURA Naoyuki, YOSHIMI Kyosuke, KAWASAKI Akira, ZHOU Weiwei
keyword : Material