Drugs for Stress urinary incontinence
Novel mechanisms targeting luteinizing hormone
Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is a disorder that affects young and old people and significantly reduces their quality of life. It has been thought to be caused by a decrease in estrogen, but estrogen replacement therapy has not been sufficiently effective, and there is currently no effective oral treatment that is the first choice, so the development of new therapeutic agents is expected. Because of the poor prognosis of SUI in patients with high serum luteinizing hormone (LH) levels before radical prostatectomy, the inventors considered LH to play an important role in urinary function.
To test this hypothesis, they found that the gonadotropin-releasing hormone GnRH antagonists degarellirex or cetrorellix suppressed LH and improved urethral pressure in model rats that reproduced the menopausal state by removing the bilateral ovaries and had elevated LH. The results showed that there is a relationship between SUI and elevated LH, and that GnRH antagonists that suppress LH may be novel therapeutic agents.

GnRH antagonists improve urethral pressure

Product Application
・Preventive or therapeutic agent SUI
Related Works
Eriguchi T, Kawamorita N, Hayashi N, et al. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2018;37: 1294–1301.
IP Data
IP No. : JP6890825
Inventor : Yoichi Arai, Yasuhiro Kaiho, Naoki Kawamorita
keyword : Stressurinaryincontinence, SUI, luteinizinghormone, GnRHantagonist, degarellirex