New Lactobacillus strain that enhance immune activity
Protect human and animals from viruses by Immunobiotics
Rotavirus is a major cause of acute enteritis in infants
and young livestock. It kills 500,000 people per year,
mainly in developing countries, and also causes enormous
economic losses to livestock production.
Inventors focus on immunobiotics and found that new
Ligilactobacillus and Lactiplantibacillus strains enhance
anti-viral immune activity.
・Isolation of several anti-virus immune-enhancing
Ligilactobacillus and Lactiplantibacillus strains from the
small intestine of Wakame-fed pigs.
・These strains are deposited in NITE in Japan.

Product Application
・Animal Feeds
・Health functional foods
Related Works
[1] Frontiers in Immunology 12:652923, 1-22 (2021).
[2] Microorganisms, 8:1659, 1-30 (2020).
[3] Animal Science Journal, 90, 1248–1260 (2019).
IP Data
IP No. : WO2021/241728
Inventor : KITAZAWA Haruki, ASO Hisashi, OTSUBO Wakako
keyword : Immunobiotics, Lactobacillus, animalfeed, Healthfunctionalfood