Colorful TiO2Particle
Wide colored pigment without transition metals
Transition metal doping is one of the solution to colorize inorganic pigments. This method is adoptive to TiO2 pigments, however, transition metal-doped pigments are not sufficient for cosmetic products as transition metals have ecotoxicity.
This invention realized wide variety of colored TiO2 pigments without transition metal doping, such as RGB as shown right half of this paper.
This invention is expected to expand cosmetic product applications, or replace traditional organic and inorganic materials.

Wide variety of color by process control

Product Application
・Cosmetic products
・Inorganic pigments required atoxic
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[2] Jingdi Cao, Yusuke Asakura, Takuya Hasegawa, Shu Yin,
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IP Data
IP No. : JP Application No. 2020-130912
Inventor : YIN Shu et. al.
keyword : Material