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Tohoku Univ. Technology
Admin No.T20-3071

Compact and low-cost inductor element

New inductor element using spintronics technology


 An inductor is known as an element that uses the induced electromotive force generated in a coil to stabilize the current in circuits. Circuit elements used in small electronic devices require miniaturization, but there is a fundamental limit for conventional inductors due to a physical restriction. This invention uses the principle of induction in spintronics physics, as the inventors have shown, that inductance emerges in uniform magnetic materials as a result of spin-orbit interaction, where any “twists” are not required like conventional coils or magnetic structures. This technology offers various inductor elements that are low-cost, stable against temperature variation, and capable of miniaturizing.


Compact and low-cost inductor element

Product Application


IP Data

Inventor : IEDA Junichi, FUKAMI Shunsuke, others
keyword : Electronics, Hardware

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