Tohoku Univ. Technology
Admin No.T22-014_T21-111_T22-013
High functionality, high-performance wheels and crawlers
Provides technology for wheels and crawlers
Composite type wheel having high running performance in step and groove
Composite type wheel with high running performance in steps and grooves and capable of moving in multiple directions.
(IP No. :JP2022-085688、 Admin No. :T22-014)

Small, high stiffness, low backlash wheels
A 2-way drive wheel that achieves small size, high rigidity, and low backlash.(IP No. :JP2021-144398、 Admin No. :T21-111)

High maintenance, moving mechanism capable of moving in multiple directions
High maintainability, moving mechanism capable of moving in multiple directions.(IP No. :JP2022-085565、 Admin No. :T22-013)

Please let us know if there is any technology you are interested in!!
IP Data
IP No. : Reference to the above respective technologies
Inventor : TADAKUMA Kenjiro etc
keyword : Wheel, crawler, caster