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Tohoku Univ. Technology
Admin No.T23-075

High-Resolution Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulators for Electronic Holography

Realizing wide viewing-zone angles For electronic-holography 3D displays


・ Electronic holography for displaying three-dimensional (3D) information is required for entertainment, industrial design, measurement, and head-up display for automobiles.
・3D information is displayed by reconstructing an image through a spatial light modulator(SLM). SLM cannot narrow the pixel pitchbecause the electric field leaks out to adjacent pixels, resulting in a narrow viewing-zone angles.
・Therefore, the invention introduces a liquid crystal driving system in a lateral electric field by a continuous potential difference and fine ground electrodes into the SLM.
・As a result, the electric field leakage is reduced, the pixel pitch of less than 1 μm is achieved for the first time.
・Using the pixel pitch of 1μm, it is possible to achieve practical viewing-zone angels of 30°. invention is expected to enlarge electronic holography application field.


High-Resolution Liquid Crystal Spatial Light Modulators for Electronic Holography

Product Application

・SLM for electronic holography

IP Data

IP No.  : Not published
Inventor : FUJIKAKE Hideo, TOCHIGI Hiroto, NAKATANI Masakazu
keyword : Liquid crystal, Electronic Holography, Spatial Light Modulators, wide viewing-zone angles, 3D

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