TOP > Technologies > HK24-018


Hokkaido Univ. Technology
Admin No.HK24-018

Optical antenna

Chiral molecule identification, polarization generator, and optical antenna design method


Topology optimization is a machine-aided design technique that optimizes material structure and enhances performance. Applying this technique to the design of an optical antenna provides an optical antenna with a nanogap structure with the following features: Circular Polarization Identification
Responses to left and right circular polarized light can be significantly enhanced for incident circular polarized light. For example, the chiral identification of trace chiral molecules can be achieved using this invention.
Circular polarization generation and control Circular polarization can be radiated by placing a light source in a gap structure, and the polarization state can be controlled according to the direction of the light source. A polarization-generating device is anticipated.


Optical antenna

Product Application

・The design method for a novel optical antenna
・Circular Polarization Identification Device for chiral molecules
・Polarization Generator

IP Data

IP No.  : 2023-189132(JP)
Inventor : TAGUCHI Atsushi
keyword : optical antenna, circular polarization, chiral, Identification device, design method, Spectroscopic analysis

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