TOP > Technologies > T10-105


Tohoku Univ. Technology
Admin No.T10-105

Oral cleaning device with cavitation jet

Possible to remove bio-film more effectively than pulsatile water jet. Qualified by human trial.   


 Toothbrush, pulsatile water jet, ultrasonic scaler, dental raser and oral rinse are used to wash bio-film or cavity accumulated on teeth or surface of implant. However, while they can remove macroscopic bio-film, they can not completely remove bio-film accumulated in narrow space on rough surface of tooth or dental implant. In the result, number of dental extraction from peri-implantitis or periodontal disease is not small. This invention provides the oral cleaning device which can remove bio-film by using cavitation jet.

Oral cleaning device with cavitation jet

Effect & Application 

This invention applies impact power of bubble collapse on cavitation jet utilized metal surface fabrication to remove bio-film accumulated on surface of implant. It is qualified by human trial that this invention can remove bio-film accumulated in surface of implant.

IP Data

IP No.  : JP6093928  
Inventor : Soyama, Prof. YAMAMOTO, Dr. Takiguchi 
keyword : Medical/Welfare device  

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