Tohoku Univ. Technology
Admin No.T12-045
Immunosuppressant/Weight gain inhibitor
Compound derived from slime mold having Immunosuppressive action and weight gain inhibitory action and its derivative
Previously, Ppc1, a small molecule compound derived from a cellular slime mold, was only known to inhibit the growth of cultured cells.
We have demonstrated that Ppc1 and its derivatives have inhibitory and uncoupling effects on IL-2 production.
Effects of this group of compounds
・Suppression of IL-2 production (mouse Jurkat cells).・Antibody production inhibition (in mice)
・Uncoupling activity in mitochondria. No effect on ATP production itself.
・Inhibitory effect on weight gain (in mice)
・Little cytotoxicity.
Inhibitory effect of this compound on body weight gain (in mice)

Immunosuppressive effect (cell) of the present invention

Effect on antibody production (in mice)

IP Data
IP No. : JP2014-061647
Inventor : OSHIMA Yoshiteru, KIKUCHI Haruhisa, HOMMA Yoshimi(Fukushima Medical Univ.)
keyword : suppressionofIL-2production, weightgaininhibitor