TOP > Technologies > T12-060


Tohoku Univ. Technology
Admin No.T12-060

High-density culture of mutant filamentous fungi

For mass fermentative production of useful substances!


 Filamentous fungi have an advantage to produce a wide variety of useful substances in industry. However, it is well-known that hyphal aggregation during the liquid culture often prevents fungi to grow with high density, resulting in low productivity of useful substances.
 This invention discloses a mutant strain of a filamentous fungi, in which α-1,3-glucan synthase (AGS) gene is deficient, for high productivity of substances.
 The α-1,3-glucan in the cell wall in AGS deficient mutant (AGΔ) is significantly reduced. The AGΔ cells are dispersed well in a liquid medium and cultured with higher density compared with that of wild type. Such phenotype of AGΔ results in an increasing productivity of useful substances per unit.

High-density culture of mutant filamentous fungi

Enhanced biomass/productivity after culture

High-density culture of mutant filamentous fungi

Product Application

・Production of functional Proteins/peptides like enzymes 
・Production of small molecules with biological activities like amino acids, antibiotics, etc..
・Application of cultured/increased fungi biomass like meat alternative

Related Works

[1] Yoshimi et al (2013) PLOS ONE 8(1) e54893
[2] Miyazawa et al (2016) Biosci Biotechnol Biochem 80(9),1853-1863.

IP Data

IP No.  : JP6132847B2, US2918682B2, etc  
Inventor : YOSHIMI Akira, GOMI Katsuya, ABE Keietsu
keyword : Medical drug(including research tools), Agriculture, Food item  

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