Electrically moisturized contact lenses
Equipped with bio-battery, electroosmotic flow provides moisturizing effect
With the spread of contact lenses (CLs), the number of patients
suffering from dry eye is increasing. In addition, the spread of smart CLs
with biomonitoring, communication and display functions is expected in
the future, and effective measures against dry eye are required.
The present inventors have developed a CL-type device capable of
preventing dry eye based on their long accumulated "hydrogel synthesis
and molding technology" and "biocompatible battery power generation
technology". Specifically, they developed a hydrogel material with high
electroosmotic flow generation efficiency and excellent moldability.
They found that when applied to CLs, water flow is generated in the lens
by energization, which can maintain the wet state of the CL and stabilize
the tear film on the cornea. Furthermore, they have succeeded in
mounting a bio-battery on a contact lens to drive it as a self-standing
device that does not require external power supply (right figure).
The present invention is important not only for the prevention of dry eye,
but also for the controlled release of eyedrops and the control of
intraocular pressure by inducing aqueous humor drainage.
It is expected to develop as a method for injecting and injecting eyedrops
into and out of eye holes, which is similar to eye drops and syringes.
FDrying suppression in Freestanding device
Product Application
・Contact lens having dry eye relieving function
・Application to medical devices (controlled release of eye drops and
intraocular pressure control)
・Smart contact lens
Related Works
[1] S. Kusama, M. Nishizawa, Advanced Materials Technology, 5 (2020) 1900889.
[2] Tohoku University Press Release
IP Data
IP No. : JP7352979, GB・FR3936091, DE602019033310.2
Inventor : NISHIZAWA Matsuhiko, YOSHIDA Shotaro, KUSAMA Shinya
keyword : contact lenses, dry eyes, smart contact lenses, bio batteries