TOP > Technologies > T23-038


Tohoku Univ. Technology
Admin No.T23-038

Next Generation Optical Interferometer

To reduce the area of the optical interferometer in response to the increase in communication volume.


 Optical circuits (e.g., Mach-Zehnder interferometers) based on optical interferometers important as hardware for next-generation information processing technologies using optical technology, such as optical quantum computers, optical AI accelerators, and spatial multiplexing transmission communications. Large-scale optical circuits are required for large-scale information processing, and the circuit size is limited by the area of optical tables and wafers. 
 By using the optical interferometer of the present invention, the area limitation can be alleviated and the scale of optical circuits can be further expanded.


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Product Application

・Optical Quantum Computers 
・Optical AI Accelerator
・Optical computers (matrix operations)
・Optical communication receiver (MIMO processing)

IP Data

IP No.  : PCT/JP2023/041412 
Inventor : Nobuyuki Matsuda
keyword : Opticalinterferometry, Mach-Zehnderinterferometry, Opticalquantumcomputer, OpticalAIaccelerator, Opticalcomputing, Matrixarithmetic, Opticalcommunicationreceiver, MIMOprocessing  

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