TOP > Technologies > T24-065


Tohoku Univ. Technology
Admin No.T24-065

Diaper sensors

Sensors with high body affinity and capable of identifying excreta


The market for "smart diapers" that detect the state of diapers and inform when to change diapers is expanding. Conventional diaper sensors that measure humidity or NH3 gas are known, but they only detect urine and cannot distinguish between urine and feces. In addition, in semiconductor gas sensors, since the operating temperature of the sensor is high, it is necessary to heat the sensor chip.
The present invention solves the above problem and provides a diaper sensor that can distinguish urine and feces at room temperature. Moreover, by using a flexible substrate, a device that is thin, small, flexible, and highly biocompatible can be realized.

Diaper sensors

Opposite responses in urine and feces

Diaper sensors

Product Application

・Diaper sensor
→ Applicable to wearable devices by using flexible substrates
・Ammonia gas sensor

IP Data

IP No.  : JP2024-191987
Inventor : S. YIM, L. Miao, Y. XUE, A.OKAWA, T.HASEGAWA
keyword : Medical/Welfare device, Material

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